On the 7x7 course, the action buttons above and below can be used to unload the entire pyramid balls...
On the 7x7 course, the action buttons above and below can be used to unload the entire pyramid balls on the course.There are several ways to complete the course.First, select any bulletless pyramid on the 7x7 track, but not the NO PRESS color on the right side of the action line below.Then, by selecting the button below, the other 4 buttons to the left of it will now be active.Now again, one of the pyramids on the course must be selected so that when you press the button below on the course, it will be relocated to the place shown on the course. for help.To her right, faint arrows appear first.Now you have to select another pyramid of the course and then transfer it to this pyramid from the selected pyramid pages using the 4 buttons below and marking the pyramid pages on it .Thus, the 4 buttons below must be used for all four track display pages. The usage is clearly indicated and which button will transfer the pyramid pages to the location of the track selected with the button.As a check, a separate OK label for each page in the display under NO PRESS indicates the correct selection transfer prediction.If you have selected a pyramid of the track with each of the 4 buttons, the text GO below will be active. If it flashes, the transmission will be correct, which is also indicated by the 4 indicators OK below.The indications of the 4 buttons below to the right of this button are fully selected when the gray arrows are black. These have already been applied.After the GO button, the transfer takes place and if the selection was good, the ball will appear on the field in the pyramid.If the NO PRESS button below is pressed on the track, an X-marked NO PRESS button cover will appear.When there are 3 different colors of X-covered cover on the course, a hammer will appear, smashing one of the ball pyramids on the course. The hammer must be removed in 60 seconds as shown above, by unloading a pyramid of the same color as the X mark on the course, then pressing the HIDE button shown above will remove the X mark of the same color from the course. cover and hammer.When the time is up, the hammer will break the ball and there will no longer be a pyramid on the ball.If 5 X-shaped covers of any color are visible on the course, a barrier strip of cover will appear, which can be removed by unloading the pyramid color swatch on it in any area of the course.It is advisable to remove these from the track after a few X-marked covers and then continue to complete the course.On the fly, you don’t always see the right ballless color scheme for us. To transform this, select the ballless pyramid of the track and then use the above action buttons to rotate or mirror it when pressed.If a ball has been selected with the 4 action buttons below to move it, the ball will disappear from that pyramid, but only if the track completion (FULL) is below 80%.During play, if 5 X-covers are displayed, a stripe cover will appear on the court. A colored pyramid on this must be unloaded, after which it disappears from the track.While driving, the number of TIME, PRESS and LEVEL (and battery level if low,% track level performance) is displayed at the top of the course (time spent on the field so far, number of buttons pressed on the playing field, number of the current playing field).As the completion time of the tracks can be up to 20 minutes, we can cancel it with the in-game (M) button (menu), if enabled, and EXIT next time with the RESUME GAME (track number and% completion) button. we can continue.If we did not exit with EXIT, the currently half-completed field will be lost.From 320x to 1500x display widths can be played with any stationary screen from 4.4 Kitkat.(Tested on multiple devices - graphics are displayed at the bottom of the screen to maintain the display aspect ratio, as is the track selection and scoreboard)